Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Blood Donation(:

The first thing I see when I walked into the school was the board for Blood Donation Drive!!
Got super excited about it as I always wanted to donate blood not because to save people but for the bandage :p
Need to fill in the form full of questions. Din't really read through the question. Just browse through only. And then register at the counter. My blood type is A+.

Next is to test our iron level. I always fail this iron test because I got not enough inside me. Iron level must be above 12.5
This time I got 12.6!!! Just pass!!

The last time I donated blood was like around one year ago. I have been wanting to donate blood after that time but I always fail the iron test.
The first needle was painful!!

The second needle. No feel at all..

I got myself a green bandage. Isn't is pretty?? Hahas.

This is the "hole" on my finger for iron test.

This is the "hole" on my arm for the donation.

So proud of myself *claps claps*

Btw, LZX is on the cover page of iWeekly.

『2011 罗志祥 舞法舞天 之一万零一夜』 2011 Show Encore World Live Tour!!!

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